Food is not the problem, and most
compulsive food cravings are an indication that something within is out of
balance. The term “holistic” means to view the whole system rather than the
individual parts and food cravings can show up when you’re out of balance in
your body, emotions, mind and spirit. Let’s look at what your creamy food cravings could be trying to tell you.

cravings like ice cream, puddings, custards, or even mashed potatoes have something in common besides milk. Creamy foods are comforting because it returns us to our primal action of sucking and that makes us feel comforted and soothed. Craving these foods could possibly
point to an inner discomfort with uncomfortable feelings & worrisome thoughts, which is the inner disruption going on inside (discomfort and/or worry) but not the need. The need is to comfort and sooth those thoughts and feelings by finding what soothes you.
Instead of indulging with anything creamy, take a look at what might make you feel comforted & soothed. Really think about it and make your list of 20 things that make you feel comforted and soothed, but you cannot BLT (bite/buy, lick or taste) anything on the list. Some examples might be to take a bath, give yourself a foot massage, or wear
comfortable soft cozy clothing.
Then, next time you have a food craving for something creamy, begin to practice some of the items you have placed on the list. The goal is to stop and look for a different answer on what you may really be desiring and incorporate the solution into your daily life.
When you take the time to figure out what it is you are truly longing for (which is probably not food) and begin to give yourself what you really need, and you will begin to notice that your food cravings dissolve.

~Other Textures~

Sweet cravings, like the desire forchocolate or donuts could be an indication that you are feeling insecure or tired. Yes, the sugar can make you temporarily feel good, but the crash that follows shows it’s not a satisfying fix. In this instance you may truly need to be nurtured and get true rest. An example of feeling nurtured could be: cuddling up with a blanket, turning on some soft music and reading a book. Or a rejuvenating solution to achieve true rest could be meditating or taking a nap. The the goal is to begin practicing those new things when the craving surfaces instead of just impulsively acting on the craving.
Salty cravings like chips or pretzels may be a sign that you feel tension and anxiety. When you're in an anxious--negative emotional, mental and spiritual state you are probably going to experience a disconnection from feeling good. It is not necessarily a physiological “lack of salt” but rather a craving for salty foods to subdue the tense and anxious feelings. While the salty snack may seem satisfying at the moment, you’ll never truly be satisfied because the basic need may be to truly relax & feel satisfaction.

Crunchy cravings like having a biscotti or overeating on nuts can hint to an inner frustration & irritation. Crunchy foods help you act out your temporary emotional and mental release of frustration. The act of chewing and cracking the food in your mouth can momentarily release the feeling of frustration, but the problem is that the second that the crunching stops—the frustration returns, which is why people go back to eat more and more. Instead, crunchy cravings can be information that you are looking for self-fulfillment, approval, and pleasure. Self-fulfillment could be anything that individually fills you up, I have heard people say painting a picture, doing their nails, or walking on the beach is fulfilling. The goal is to find what fulfills you and then practice that instead of running to food.
WOW, I must say that To finally create the life you truly desire and deserve and well control,very cool and nice images showing with valuable information.i'm very thankful to be part of this.
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WOW, I must say that To finally create the life you truly desire and deserve and well control,very cool and nice images showing with valuable information.i'm very thankful to be part of this.
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