Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Meaning of Your Food Cravings: SWEET

Have you ever found yourself overeating, sabotaging your diet, or simply not able to say no to a food craving? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to take a look at what is driving these irresistible cravings.  Loving a certain food is not necessarily a craving.  A food craving is an intense, urgent or abnormal desire for a specific food to “satisfy” something.  That something, however, rarely has anything to do with food. 

My goal is to help people find the answers to their food questions like: why can’t I stop eating, why do I have to always struggle with food, etc.? And give these questions action-oriented answers. I discovered possible meanings of how food textures carry introspective information through my own self-study and want to help you learn action oriented tips that take you out of the kitchen and into a hammock (or your own personal bliss).

For the next 10 weeks I will discuss different food textures like: sweet, salty, creamy, crunchy, etc., and talking about how these food cravings may actually be a clue that you’re longing for something not found in a grocery store.

There is a difference between what your inner problem is and then what you truly need.  So let’s take a deeper look into what your food cravings could be trying to tell you. 


Sweet cravings, like the desire for chocolate or donuts could be an indication that you are feeling insecure or tired.  Yes, the sugar can make you temporarily feel good, but the crash that follows shows it’s not a satisfying fix.  In this instance you may truly need to be nurtured and get true rest.  The next step is to make a list of 20 things that make you feel whatever your true need is, but that you cannot BLT (bite/buy, lick or taste). 

An example of feeling nurtured could be: cuddling up with a blanket, turning on some soft music and reading a book.  Or a rejuvenating solution to achieve true rest could be meditating or taking a nap.  The the goal is to begin practicing those new things when the craving surfaces instead of just impulsively acting on the craving.  

When you take the time to figure out what it is you are truly longing for (which is probably not food) and begin to give yourself what you really need, you will begin to notice that your food cravings lose power and begin to dissolve.

For more information read Sophie's book:  The Continuous Appetite or contact Sophie 

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