Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Eating Tips

It is Thanksgiving week and typically in American culture, we celebrate through eating and drinking.  The problem is that most people let this holiday eating mentality bleed into the week, or even the month following, which then results in weight gain (or the common spoken holiday weight). 
It doesn’t, however, have to be this way.  You DO NOT have to gain weight over the holidays.  Overindulgent holidays can be counterbalanced by having a daily intention to be healthier both before and after the holiday.  
For Thanksgiving week, I encourage you to stick to a healthy eating plan Monday through Wednesday, on Thursday-follow the tips below, on Friday enjoy some left-overs in moderation, and on Saturday get right back on a healthy eating track.  If you follow this plan you'll melt the soft fat, which came from Thanksgiving feast, right off!

Following these tips on Thanksgiving: 

·       Wake up and move your body for at least 30 minutes.
·       Plan what you will eat throughout the day and then stick to that plan.
·       Eat your normal meals throughout the day.
·       Then, once you get to the location where Thanksgiving is being held:
- Choose to only eat the foods you LOVE.
-  Sit down to eat everything!
-  Pick one appetizer, have one serving, put it on a plate and sit down to enjoy it.
-  Chew every bite, at least, twenty times, and really taste it!
-  When you sit down for dinner—look at your plate as having three sections, one for meat (no larger than your hand), one for a carb (choose only one starch), and the rest is for veggies. Serve yourself proportionally and say “NO” to seconds!
-  Select one dessert to eat, chew slowly, and enjoy every bite! 
·       If you try something you don’t LOVE—don’t eat the rest.
·       Stick to a 2-3 alcoholic drink maximum.

If you enjoyed these tips, stay tuned... 

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Healing Your Inner Issues
One Craving at a time

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